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From Top of Canada Hill

45 Thornton Road / location estimated

“Father set up a scarecrow in the truck patch after planting the sweet corn and one or two others in the corn field. Crows are clever enough to dig freshly planted grains of corn from the ground. The scarecrows were very effective devices for keeping them away from the sweet corn patch and from the cornfield” (Hannum, p. 42).

I had great difficulty finding any mention of a “Canada Hill” in Concord Township. However, when looking at the overall route that Joshua Hannum took in 1924 (the previous pictures being on Thornton Road and the following picture being at the Newlin Grist Mill), I estimated this location to be the large hill where the present Concord Township Municipal Offices are located. The area seems to be the far right corner of the property, overlooking a valley where the Grist Mill sits and the continuing hill slopes under Route 1 in the background. If my estimation is correct, this landscape has changed dramatically. Route 1 is busy and wide. The farmland has grown into woods, and more houses and buildings have been built along the Pike. I was not standing among corn stalks but on top of a bleacher on the lower soccer fields of the township park.

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